Nominated for…

Her unwavering commitment and leadership that make her a true asset to the industry:

  • Exceptional leadership: Michaela leads a team of 16 permanent direct reports, increasing to over 100 during the busy harvest period, with 50% of her team being female. She instills confidence in her team members, encouraging them to excel in non-traditional roles and take on new challenges.
  • Commitment to team development: Despite the competing demands of her role, Michaela always ensures she has time for her team, investing in their development and supporting them to perform at their best.
  • Inspiring role model: Michaela’s boundless energy and dedication to her growers, team and the organisation make her a wonderful role model for other women in operations.

Key message

“My passion for being a manager lies in nurturing my team’s growth and fostering their career progression. I am dedicated to empowering them with the resources and support needed to excel now and in the future. As hard as it can be at times, my advice is always to embrace failure without fear and seize opportunities. Each experience offers invaluable lessons and personal development. Have the courage to tackle challenges wholeheartedly, knowing that regardless of the outcome, you emerge with greater insight and growth.”

Congratulations on being part of NAWO’s 100 Women in Operations!