Your Legal Obligations

All members must display exemplary standards in relation to professional business conduct as well as complying with the law. High standards of conduct will serve to enhance NAWO’s reputation for fair and responsible activities.

Whilst engaging in your NAWO membership you agree to abide by this community code, the Terms of Service, the Membership Terms, and Privacy Policy all available on our website.

When posting or commenting on NAWO’s social media channels, you agree to comply with these Community Guidelines, in addition to the specific social media Terms of Use. NAWO reserves the right to remove any Content or members that breach these terms.

We rely on every member to contribute to this network being a positive place for support, advice and enriching conversation. This is founded on a culture of trust and goodwill founded by the following code of behaviour:

Avoiding Conflict of Interest

Members must not place themselves in a position which may lead to a conflict, or perceived conflict of interest, between their personal interests, those of their employer and NAWO.

A conflict of interest exists if an employee is involved in other employment, businesses or external activities that interfere with, or impact on, the ability of the employee to satisfactorily perform their duties. Members of NAWO should ensure that their activities do not conflict with or reflect adversely on their employers interests, deprive their employer of legitimate work time, or compete with their employers businesses.

A member must notify their employer of any commitment to NAWO, or its activity which may lead to a conflict, or results in a conflict. A serious conflict of interest which cannot be satisfactorily resolved may result in membership being ceased.

Commercial issues that could violate Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) rules and guidelines are expressly out of scope.

Attendees will not approach other organisation’s staff in a deliberate effort to poach.

Members will not represent themselves to the media or other such communities unless expressly agreed by the Board and their employer.

NAWO’s Code of Behaviour

We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. To get the most out your NAWO experience, follow these guidelines when connecting with other NAWO members or participating in NAWO events, programs or other activities.


All of NAWO’s affairs must be conducted and seen to be conducted in an ethical and honest manner. All members are expected to act with honesty and integrity. They must observe the principles of fairness, respect and impartiality in relationships with all stakeholders.

Lack of integrity in dealings involving NAWO’s business can harm it and may constitute a criminal offence. NAWO members are expected to match their words with deeds, to follow standards of behaviour that are acceptable in the community, be respectful, not to compromise the values of NAWO or their own personal values in doing their work and to follow an honourable path.


Together is better, this is a network that looks to solve problems collectively. Don’t hold back in sharing your knowledge and being part of the conversation. The more you put into actively engaging in the membership the more you will get out of it.


We are inclusive and respectful of all diversity and intersectionality at NAWO. Bullying or harassment of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things such as race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated. NAWO reserves the right to cancel membership of anyone who is alleged to have harassed or bullied another member of the NAWO community.

In line with our Privacy Policy please be mindful of sharing personally identifying information about yourself or others.

Discretion and Chatham house rules apply when sharing stories that may be sensitive in nature.


To ensure our networking events remain welcoming and focused on building genuine and meaningful connections, we kindly ask that members refrain from promoting their own businesses or products during these gatherings. Specifically, we request that members:

  1. Refrain from Distributing Promotional Materials: This includes flyers, brochures, or any other marketing materials.
  2. Avoid Verbal Pitching/Promotions: Please do not actively pitch or promote your own business, products, or services to other members during the event.

From time to time, NAWO may showcase ideas and insights, services, products, or initiatives developed by our member companies, endorsed providers, aligned providers, or other external organisations as part of our event and forum programming. NAWO collaborates closely with all participating parties to ensure that marketing and promotion are confined to the specific offerings being featured and are directed only to members who have registered for the respective event, forum, or program. Please contact NAWO via [email protected] if you wish to collaborate in this way.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us create a collaborative and enjoyable environment for everyone. Let’s focus on building meaningful relationships and sharing valuable experiences.


Keep your posts, comments and private messages kind and be respectful of other participants. Be open and understanding of others who may have a different opinion to you. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness and empathy is expected.


Posting ads or asking for follows, likes and shares across NAWO’s social media channels (Linked In, Instagram and Facebook) is not permitted, unless under the terms of service relating to posting of job opportunities on the Linked In group called NAWO Network News! (a corporate member benefit).

Corporate members can ‘profile’ jobs on the NAWO website member portal (a corporate member benefit).


We don’t endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify, or agree with the comments, opinions, or statements posted by any user. Where necessary, you should seek professional advice.


You should consider whether discussion and information is appropriate to your needs. Discussion should not be used as financial advice and where necessary, you must consult with a financial expert.


You should consider whether discussion and information is appropriate to your needs. Discussion should not be used as medical advice and where necessary, you must consult with a medical professional.


NAWO reserves the right to remove any post or comment made on any of its social media channels on Linked in, Instagram or Facebook. If you see a post or comment that violates our guidelines, please report it to us immediately via [email protected] or via private message on the relevant channel.

Consequences of breaching Our Community Code

This Code applies to all members. Any breach of this Code is a serious matter and may give rise to action including membership suspension cancellation and potential legal action.

If you believe there is an actual or suspected breach of this Code occurring it is your obligation to bring it to the attention of the NAWO CEO or any member of the NAWO board.  Any member who makes a report in good faith will be respected and appreciated.

NAWO will not tolerate victimisation or harassment or retribution afterwards of anyone raising an issue in good faith under this Policy. Should you feel that there is any victimisation or other detriment to you from raising the concern, you should report it immediately to the NAWO CEO, the Chair of the board or any other member of the NAWO board.