Mentoring 2024 – GEM Registration Form

Mentoring 2024 – Gender Equality Men (GEM) Mentee Registration Form

    1. The Basics First

    Current role

    Select one or add your own if not listed

    Select one or add your own if not listed

    Select one

    2. Tell us about yourself and why you'd like to be a GEM Mentee

    Our new GEM (Gender Equality Men) program is in recognition that a lot of our NAWO members who are men are keen to stand up and be effective Allies for gender equality. Some have great learnings and insights to share, and others need support to and to be given the tools to get it right. The GEM Program will run as a pilot Mentoring Circle for men who wish to step up as sponsors and allies for both women in their organisations, and gender equality more broadly in their industries.



    If you identify with more than one, please pick the one you MOST identify with.

    Work history, Leadership experience, Professional experience, Specialist expertise, Interests/Hobbies Fun fact.

    What you expect to gain as a mentoring program participant.

    Please provide a link to your LinkedIn profile.





    3. Let's Talk about You as a Mentee

    E.g. shiftwork, caring responsibilities. If yes, please provide details.

