Dare to Lead™ – How Brave Leaders build Courageous Cultures

16.01.25EventIn personQLD

We are working our way through a period of change and uncertainty with a need for human connection - and that requires human leadership. In effect, we are recalibrating environmentally and as a human race. Leadership as we knew it won’t be the same.

Arrive 12 PM
Event 12:30 - 2:00 PM

Coles Forest Lake DC (Sunshine Room)

44 Stradbroke St

Heathwood 4110

In our next in person Queensland event you’ll meet Tammy Coggan and Kerry Rosser – both certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitators trained by Brené Brown. Tammy and Kerry hold extensive experience facilitating leadership programs, coaching, working with intact teams – those teams that work as ongoing organisational units – and partnering with organisations though the complexity of change. This interactive session is for those of us focused on humanising the workplace. You will explore Brené’s notion of armoured vs daring leadership and emotional literacy. Tammy and Kerry will guide you through the key elements of these areas and how they can shape your ability…

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