These nine levers are the levers we know, when activated, can turn the dial on the attraction, retention and progression of women in your organisation. There are three layers (three levers within in each layer) where we seek to challenge our member organisations to think differently.

Layer 1: The way people lead, communicate and role model inclusion. To see unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusion, engaging and supporting all leaders to be role models, and developing the capability to clearly articulate the benefits of diverse teams at all levels – getting to the WIFM.

Layer 2: We focus on the Four P’s – Principles, Policies, Process and Practice – getting some of the fundamentals right.  For example having policy aligned to organisational values (such as hiring, prevention of harassment and discrimination, succession planning, development, remuneration), and actively referenced and practiced so that it transfers to everyday behaviour that is values based, respectful and inclusive every day.

Layer 3: Supporting successful work/life integration – sharing the care, supporting people to successfully transition to and from parental leave and providing flexibility in how and where work is done – focussing on outcomes achieved.

Here are just a few tangible examples of systemic change that have made a huge difference to NAWO member companies:

  • Introducing paid parental leave for men and actively encouraging them to take it
  • Taking immediate action to close any identified pay gaps
  • Rethinking criteria for selection and the prerequisite skill sets required for operational roles
  • Taking the focus off where work is done, focussing on outcomes achieved
  • Considering how requests for flexible work can work rather than how they can’t in operational environments
  • Address behaviour that does not align with company values and expectations such as sexist jokes, innuendo and subtle acts of exclusion
  • Having a zero tolerance policy to harassment and discrimination and applying it every day
  • Addressing issues caused by roster patterns for people who care for others
  • Providing support and training for people going on and returning form parental leave
  • Sourcing female friendly work uniforms with buy in from the people who wear them

Members can access the NAWO Nine Levers Assessment Tool to help identify priority levers and possible actions. Please contact [email protected] to learn more.