‘Supporting each other’ – living the values at Bega


Why communication and community support really matters – before, during and after a crisis.

Large employers are an intrinsic part of the community eco-system, particularly in regional Australia. Beyond providing important employment opportunities, their people represent many facets of a community, such as volunteering with the local RFS or SES, being members of the local Rotary Club or coaching sporting teams and supporting school BBQ fundraisers.

1 PM - 2 PM (AEST)


More than 120 years ago, Bega Cheese began manufacturing cheese and dairy products out of the Bega Valley and the company and its people are an important part of the area’s rich history. The organisational culture and value of ‘supporting each other’ was never more visible and pronounced than during the catastrophic bushfires in the summer of 2020. Although the people of Bega are still healing and their experiences are still very raw, their remarkable stories of personal courage, innovation and adaptability are relevant to every workplace today.  Humbly, the locals say it was – ‘just getting the job done’…

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