CSF Proteins facility site tour

23.04.24EventIn personNetworkingTourVIC

Join the NAWO VIC Committee for this exclusive tour of CSF Proteins' facility in Melbourne. As one of the largest facilities of its type in the country, this is an incredible opportunity to look behind the scenes, and hear more about CSF's diverse workforce.

More details to come, but registrations are now open if you'd like to secure your spot!

7:30AM for 8:00AM start, to 9:30AM

CSF Proteins, Ridley

1-9 Merino Street, Laverton North VIC 3026

  • CSF Proteins, Ridley
  • NAWO VIC Committee
Free for NAWO Members

Hey VIC – Get your hi-vis on, we’re heading for an exclusive tour of CSF Proteins’ cutting-edge facility right here in Melbourne!

We’ll kickstart the day with a brief introduction before diving into tour the plant. CSF Proteins’ Laverton facility is the largest multi-species ingredient recovery rendering facility in Australia, and this is a rare opportunity to see behind the scenes and learn more about CSF’s diverse workforce.

CSF Proteins is a key player in providing premium quality animal nutrition solutions. They supply Ridley mills with high-quality meat proteins meals and oils by processing coproducts from the red meat, pork, and poultry industries.

After the tour, we’ll enjoy morning tea and learn more about CSF Proteins in a Q&A session.

Please note, you’re required to bring your own steel capped shoes and wear long sleeves and pants.  Other PPE – hard hats, ear plugs, gloves, overshirts will be provided on site.