Fostering positive allyship in your team

29.11.24DigitalKnowledge Share ForumsNational

True allies walk the talk. They advocate, share opportunities, and do not become defensive when feedback is given. They understand the impact of daily behaviour and microaggressions. They are curious and invested in understanding the perspective and concerns of underrepresented people.

So how do we foster a culture of allyship within our teams?

1 - 3 PM AEST

Zoom meeting

Like with all significant team undertakings, leaders have an important role to play. Leaders have to create safe spaces at work, where team members feel listened to and are given the opportunity to self-reflect and receive constructive feedback. Leaders who are proactively fostering an environment of allyship can start by ensuring that: Inappropriate behaviour is called out or in All team members are tasked with actions aligned to fostering inclusion The team uses inclusive language Team members are open about the impacts of unconscious bias and privilege Mistakes are forgiven and reflected upon. People feel safe to apologise and move…

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