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Bold Action for Gender Equity: webinar recording and resources
04.02.25 Event Knowledge Share Forum Webinar
NAWO members can watch the recording of this February 2025 webinar, where NAWO Member Consultant Renee Burkinshaw explored taking bold action for gender equity and elevating your inclusive practice to…Read more -
The Landscape of Parental Leave in Australia: Spotlight on Operational Industries
17.10.24 Articles Opinions Resources
In this article we explore the challenges operational businesses face and highlight leading practice in progressive parental leave policy - encouraging shared parental care (where this is an option), offering…Read more -
Leading with Will: Paul Feasey’s Journey to Building an Inclusive and Equitable Workplace
27.08.24 Articles Check In & Chat Event Mentoring Program Resources Webinar
In our recent Check-In and Chat, we had the privilege of sitting down with Paul Feasey, a seasoned food and beverage leader with vast international experience. As a passionate male…Read more -
Paul Feasey shares his experiences in the Gender Equality Men Program
22.08.24 Articles Event Mentoring Program Resources Webinar
In our Check In & Chat session on 22 August, we chatted with Paul Feasey, Manufacturing Manager at Bega. Paul is participating in the inaugural cohort of our GEM Program.…Read more -
Closing the gender pay gap in operations: What employers and employees gain with a gender equal approach
21.08.24 Articles Event Resources Webinar
To mark Equal Pay Day in 2024, Mary Wooldridge and Dr Samone McCurdy from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency joined NAWO's CEO Louise Weine for an insightful discussion on the…Read more -
In the latest article from NAWO CEO, Louise Weine, she delves into the crucial distinction between equity and equality, emphasising the importance of recognising and accommodating individual differences to foster…Read more
The power of combining mentoring with sponsorship offers immense opportunities for individuals and our member companies. In this article, Louise Weine highlights how this dynamic duo creates an impact greater…Read more
On June 25, 2024, NAWO's Member Relations Consultant Renee Burkinshaw joined Madonna Hegerty from Kinetic and Jacqui Cummins from Coca-Cola Europacific Partners for an insightful discussion about gender action planning.…Read more
We've compiled a list of retailers that provide customers with a wide range of work wear options.Read more
If you are a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more