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It was great to see our QLD members in person after months of online events, hosted by our fabulous QLD Committee and Premium Corporate Member Coles.Read more
Regional WA is Leading the Way!
30.11.21 Event
NAWO’s newly formed Regional Sub-Committee kicked off their first in-person event in Port Hedland, with speaking coach and storyteller Shil Shanghavi.Read more -
Jodie Murdoch: from mentee to mentor & a glittering career in between
26.10.21 Articles Case Study Mentoring Program
Jodie is Acting AsPac Manufacturing Manager, Castrol and shares just how much of a game changer being mentored with NAWO has been for her career.Read more -
Dealing with Sudden Change
07.10.21 Event Webinar
If you are a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more -
If you are a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more
Registrations to be a NAWO mentor are now open and here are five reasons why you should mentor with us.Read more
Championing Change
09.09.21 Event Webinar
If you are a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more -
07.09.21 Announcement Articles
This Thursday is R U OK? Day – shining a light on how we can encourage people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times…Read more -
If you are a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more
Communicating With Purpose
02.08.21 Event Webinar
If you are a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more