Inclusion Habits for Operations Leaders

17.01.25DigitalNationalProfessional Development Program

This inclusive leadership capability development program is specifically designed for operations leaders by NAWO in partnership with Emberin, a global leading organisation in diversity and inclusion training programs. 

The program has been developed in direct consultation with members as we engaged seven members in a program pilot in 2022 to test its components and delivery.

Being one of its kind on the market, with content designed to be relatable to operations leaders, the corporate scenarios, imagery and language in the modules consist of situations, terminology and examples drawn directly from the experiences of participants in the pilot program. Therefore we are presenting ‘real life’ scenarios our leaders can identify with and use as the basis for their inclusion journey.

To take this new program to a whole new level, we're harnessing the power of technology and microlearning to deliver a truly unique experience. Keep reading to learn more.

14 weeks / Self-paced


THE INCLUSION HABITS FOR OPERATIONS LEADERS JOURNEY ABOUT THE INCLUSION HABITS FOR OPERATIONS LEADERS PROGRAM Inclusive leadership is central to NAWO’s mission and we continue to create avenues to support people within our membership to lead more inclusively, provide a safe space to ask questions and have conversations that help achieve greater gender balance. Achieving gender balance in the industries represented across the NAWO membership requires us to increase the capability, insight and awareness of operational leaders at every level, so that they can be more inclusive in their habits every day.  Our Inclusion Habits for Operations Leaders program is…

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