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As part of our Case Study series we spoke to DuluxGroup to learn more about how they invest in leaders to create more inclusive workplaces. With a focus on inclusion…Read more
NAWO x Case Studies ‘GrainCorp – Putting inclusion at the heart of everything’
20.11.24 Articles Case Study
As part of our Case Study series with the Victorian Government Office for Women, we interviewed GrainCorp to learn more about their approach to inclusion, and how putting inclusion at…Read more -
Getting the Systems Right for Reporting – Operation Respect webinar
19.11.24 Case Study Event Webinar
In this Operation Respect webinar, NAWO CEO Louise Weine was joined by a panel of experts to discuss the importance of safe and transparent reporting systems for inappropriate workplace behaviour…Read more -
Applying an intersectional lens to policy and respect – Operation Respect webinar with Lina Orozco Munera and Dr Niki Vincent
31.10.24 Case Study Event Webinar
In this Operation Respect webinar, NAWO CEO Louise Weine was joined by Lina Orozco Munera from Professional Migrant Women, and Dr Niki Vincent, Victoria's Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner. They…Read more -
Operation Respect Case Study: BlueScope’s ‘Respect is How We Work’ program, making prevention far better than the cure
18.10.24 Articles Case Study Resources
Behaviour change is hard, especially when it relates to uncomfortable conversations on topics people would rather not have. One company that has made huge strides on inclusivity is NAWO member,…Read more -
A Whole-Of-Organisation Approach to Respect at Work – webinar with BlueScope and Our Watch
18.10.24 Case Study Event Webinar
In this Operation Respect webinar, NAWO CEO Louise Weine was joined by Laura Towey, National Employee Relations & Employee Experience Manager for BlueScope, and Alisha Taylor-Jones, Acting Manager - Prevention…Read more -
NAWO Case Study: Leadership & flexibility – supporting long term employee commitment and gender equality
19.06.24 Articles Case Study
In this case study, discover how Shirin Behrouzi’s remarkable career journey at Coles demonstrates the transformative power of supportive leadership, flexibility and diversity. From starting as a part-time worker to…Read more -
NAWO x Case Studies ‘Mondelēz: Diverse Women in Manufacturing – Unique Differences Creating Belonging’
10.02.24 Articles Case Study
As part of our Case Study series with the Victorian Government Office for Women, we interviewed Mondelēz to learn about how they leverage the unique diversity in their team to…Read more -
NAWO x Case Studies ‘BlueScope: Creating an inclusive workplace where everyone belongs’
10.02.24 Articles Case Study
As part of our Case Study series with the Victorian Government Office for Women, we interviewed BlueScope to learn about the changes they've made and initiatives they've implemented to retain…Read more -
NAWO x Case Studies ‘Adbri and BlueScope: Initiatives to attract female talent into operations’
10.02.24 Articles Case Study
As part of our Case Study series with the Victorian Government Office for Women, we interviewed Adbri and BlueScope to learn about the changes they've made and initiative they've implemented…Read more