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Are you struggling to move up in your career? Chances are, it’s not your technical skills holding you back. The truth is, career progression requires a completely different skill set…Read more
Pizzazz Your Profile!
08.02.24 Event Webinar
If you're a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more -
If you're a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more
NAWO’s Mentoring Program: Celebrating the inspiring women that shape our transformational program
08.11.22 Mentoring Program Professional Development Program
Change begins with you: how women in non-traditional roles can create change
23.06.22 Articles Event
If you are a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more -
Regional WA is Leading the Way!
30.11.21 Event
NAWO’s newly formed Regional Sub-Committee kicked off their first in-person event in Port Hedland, with speaking coach and storyteller Shil Shanghavi.Read more -
Jodie Murdoch: from mentee to mentor & a glittering career in between
26.10.21 Articles Case Study Mentoring Program
Jodie is Acting AsPac Manufacturing Manager, Castrol and shares just how much of a game changer being mentored with NAWO has been for her career.Read more -
Registrations to be a NAWO mentor are now open and here are five reasons why you should mentor with us.Read more
Communicating With Purpose
02.08.21 Event Webinar
If you are a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more -
If you are a member and missed it, you can watch the recording here.Read more