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Those of us working in operations will have heard of the fourth industrial revolution – Industry 4.0 – but do we really understand what this means for us, how it…Read more
In this episode I have the pleasure of speaking with the incredible Fabian Dattner from The Dattner Group. Fabian has so much passion for the topic of this conversation –…Read more
Dee Heffernan
Dee Heffernan – a Chicago-based branding strategist and adviser – discusses operational business image problems with NAWO’s Louise Weine, and offers some advice for operational businesses trying to tell a…Read more -
‘You can’t be what you can’t see’ is a frequent lament in relation to attracting women to operational business and roles. However, this was far from the case for Amalie…Read more
Are you future Fit?
Andrea Clarke's new book takes a talent focussed approach to the challenges we all face in meeting the changing needs of a more technologically driven workplace.Read more -
“I grew up in Kalgoorlie and swore I would never work in the mines. After 27 years with Orica, I can’t imagine doing anything else!”Read more
Along with working incredibly hard to build a successful career in operations and supply chain, Tania Montesin has established a terrific network of mentors and supporters. But her most important…Read more
Attracting female talent is an area I am obviously particularly passionate about. Those of you who have heard me rattle on about ‘thinking laterally in recruitment’ would know my frustration…Read more